
Teaching in Remote Learning Environments (TRLE) Initiative

  • Overview

  • Instructions for completing CTLE hours


Culturally Responsive Education

Culturally Responsive Education - Session 1

Culturally Responsive Education: The Why

While equity and the practice of cultural responsiveness is a focus in many schools today, the shift to remote/hybrid instruction has created an even greater need. Addressing issues of inequity and ensuring that all students have what they need to succeed can seem exacerbated when students are not physically present in school. This introductory module defines equity and equality in order to set the purpose for cultural responsiveness in remote/hybrid learning environments.
Culturally Responsive Education - Session 2

Welcoming and Affirming Learning Environments

The first principle in the NYSED CRSE framework, a ¡°Welcoming and Affirming Environment¡± feels safe. It is a space where people can find themselves represented and reflected, and where they understand that all people are treated with respect and dignity. The environment ensures all cultural identities (i.e. race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, language, religion, socioeconomic background) are affirmed, valued, and used as vehicles for teaching and learning.
Culturally Responsive Education - Session 5

Ongoing Professional Learning

In this module, participants will explore and design around the themes of holding ourselves accountable, continuously educating ourselves, and intentionally growing our professional learning networks.

ELLs and/or MLs

ELLs and/or MLs - Session 1

How Language Impacts Learning for ELLs

This session is designed to assist all teachers in understanding how to make content comprehensible for ELLs/MLLs. Specifically, this session will focus on helping teachers understand how language impacts learning and specific ways to create meaning for students who speak other languages, especially in a remote environment. Strategies include using visuals, experiences, and home language support to improve student achievement.
ELLs and/or MLs - Session 2

ºüÀêÊÓƵ»ÆÍøÕ¾ÊÓƵ Language Supports- Information Session

This turnkey session will provide an overview on translated webinettes that will be available for teachers, students and parents/guardians for asynchronous supports. Each webinette will contain a mini lesson on a high-leverage concept in math, science, social studies and English language arts for secondary students. The webinettes will be available in 10 languages.
ELLs and/or MLs - Session 3

Scaffolding for ELLs in Distance or Hybrid Settings

Explore strategies for scaffolding content instruction at varying proficiency levels and fostering ELLs' access to content during distance learning and hybrid instruction.
ELLs and/or MLs - Session 5

Supporting Ells' Academic Language Development in Distance & Hybrid Settings

In this PD session, we will explore supporting English language learners¡¯ academic language development, while working in distance learning or hybrid instructional settings.

Families as Partners

Families as Partners - Session 1

Families as Partners

Teaching and learning from in-person to remote/hybrid has greatly impacted how we support students' academic progress. The relationships, routines, and resources that are the foundation for effective partnerships between families and the school community now require a new approach. In this session, we'll begin to explore: (1) family partnerships, (2) best practices that establish a thriving learning environment for all students.
Families as Partners - Session 2

Supporting Relationships, Routines and Resources

The shift of teaching and learning from in-person to remote/hybrid has greatly impacted how we support students' academic progress. Relationships, routines, and resources are the foundation for effective partnerships. In this session, we will dive deeper into these areas and explore research-based best practices that educators can leverage to strengthen connections with families.
Families as Partners - Session 5

Celebrating Relationships, Routines, and Resources - Fall Planning

The pandemic has influenced how students learn at all grade levels and school settings. The shift of teaching and learning from in-person to remote/hybrid has greatly impacted how we support students¡¯ academic progress. Relationships, routines and resources are the foundation for effective partnerships. In this session, we will celebrate successful partnership between schools and families. We will use these ¡°wins¡± as a springboard for fall planning and take the time for reflective practice.


SEL - Session 1

Shaping a Shared Understanding of SEL

Social emotional learning (SEL) is a movement that has a long history and is now being recognized as a critical ingredient for student success in school, work and life. Integrating SEL may teach students skills that will help them personally and academically. In this session, we'll explore the history of social emotional learning and its core competencies, reflect on the assumptions and misconceptions associated with SEL and examine how educators can implement SEL in culturally responsive ways.
SEL - Session 2

Social Emotional Learning: A Guide to Systemic Whole School Implementation

Explore several key factors that contribute to effective, large-scale implementation of SEL. Participants will be offered lessons from the field and invited to analyze district case studies to determine a range of possible approaches and to consider what they can take away for their own context as they begin to plan or continue implementation of SEL schoolwide.
SEL - Session 3

Creating a Professional Learning Culture Based on SEL

We will explore how adults in education can begin to understand and recognize self-awareness related to implicit bias and social awareness to better understand the perspectives of others. Through a review of transformative SEL, we will continue deepening our understanding of the CASEL Core Competencies to promote and leverage equity and promote personal growth. This deepening awareness contributes to healthier culture and climate of schools, and the overall professional learning community.
SEL - Session 4

Practical and Achievable SEL Practices in the Classroom

In this session, we will be exploring ways we can purposefully and practically check in with our students well-being, social-emotional skills and classroom experiences.
SEL - Session 5

SEL in Leadership

In this session, we will be exploring strategies for prosocial leaders who model best practices in social emotional wellness and ensure that all school stakeholders feel safe, cared for, respected and valued.

Shifting to Teaching Online

Shifting to Teaching Online - Session 1

Establishing Structures and Routines in Remote and Hybrid Learning

Shifting to online instruction requires districts and schools to consider many aspects even before students can begin to learn. The structures and routines that are set up are critical to the future success of teachers and students. This session will provide the considerations to be made prior to shifting and provide extensive resources to assist districts and schools with these decisions.
Shifting to Teaching Online - Session 2

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Shifting to teaching online can be a daunting task for administrators, teachers & students. The purpose of this resource is to provide educators with learning materials and resources to help with this shift.
Shifting to Teaching Online - Session 3

Building Relationships, Comunity and Communication

Forging a strong community in an online environment can be a daunting task. This presentation outlines ways that educators can create a welcoming, successful classroom community during distance learning. Although the focus of this presentation is primarily on the importance of building structures for an online environment, much of what is discussed is also pertinent to an in-person learning setting.
Shifting to Teaching Online - Session 4

Deep Dive: Community and Communication

The shift to online learning has forced educators to build capacity and increase the tools in their tool kit. This session will allow questions to be answered on any one of the previous topics presented. Additionally, the facilitators presenting the turn key session will provide brief updates on the most critical developments to online teaching and learning.
Shifting to Teaching Online - Session 5

Deep Dive: Engagement

In this session, we will focus on: (1) understanding and reflecting on the different layers of engagement, (2) exploring engagement strategies to use in synchronous, (3) semi-synchronous & asynchronous instructional models.

Students With Disabilities

Students With Disabilities - Session 1

Creating Accessible Hybrid and Virtual Classrooms

Create an environment for all students that allows them to succeed in a remote or hybrid classroom. This session will introduce high impact strategies that foster a successful and productive learning environment for all students, with additional considerations for students with disabilities. This session will also introduce strategies for: (1) helping students access digital content in a virtual environment, (2) accessibility features to help students access the virtual classroom successfully.
Students With Disabilities - Session 3

High Leverage Practices for SWD

This session will familiarize participants with the High Leverage Practices for students with disabilities that help overcome their barriers to remote learning. Participants will have the opportunity to assess their current practice and create a plan to address areas of need.
Students With Disabilities - Session 4

Providing Remote Specially Designed Instruction for Students with Severe Disabilities

Tailoring specially designed instruction for remote learning is especially challenging for students with severe disabilities. Parents and families have become conduits to teaching and learning for these students. In this session, we will focus on six steps to moving forward with remote instruction for students with severe disabilities.
Students With Disabilities - Session 5

Virtual Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Work-Based Learning Experiences (WBLE) are a crucial aspect of preparing all students for life after high school. Due to COVID-19, many students were unable to complete their WBLE due to business and school closures. This resource discusses alternative ways in which students can explore careers and WBLE to learn the essential skills required to be successful in a work environment.